There are many different types of pests Albany homeowners may have to deal with in their homes and on their properties. Some pests can infest the inside of your home and cause you grief. Mice and rats can both carry diseases into your home and have a habit of chewing on cables and wires, causing extensive — and expensive — damage to your home. Cockroaches can contaminate your food, and can also potentially introduce disease-causing pathogens into your home. Wasps and bees possess venomous stings, and unfortunate encounters can turn bad quickly. Severe allergic reactions or multiple stings have been associated with hospitalizations after stings. Mosquitoes are another area problem that Albany homeowners have to contend with, mainly on the outside of their homes and in their yards. Mosquitoes need blood to reproduce, and if you are outside when they are feeding, you are on the menu. 

Mosquitoes can keep you from being able to enjoy the outside of your home and your yard. They will follow you everywhere you go outside, and they never stop biting. Absolute Pest Control understands, and we want to help you with pest control in Albany. Call us today if you need help with mosquito infestations.

How To Tell If You Have A Mosquito Problem Around Your Yard

The number one best way to tell if you have a mosquito problem around your home is if you cannot go outside your home in the evenings without getting bitten by mosquitoes. Another way to tell if you have a mosquito problem is if you see mosquito larvae in any sitting water around your home, including bird baths, landscape water features, and any naturally occurring water sources outside your home. Mosquitoes lay their eggs very near or in water, and newly hatched mosquitoes live in water for the first part of their lives. If you see mosquito larvae swimming in water anywhere on your property, you have a problem. Mosquito larvae will soon mature into adults, and mosquitoes will begin feeding the minute they turn into adults. 

If you need to know the best way to keep mosquitoes away, look no further. Absolute Pest Control knows everything about mosquitoes, including how to get rid of them. Contact us today for help.

Common Mosquito-Borne Diseases

Mosquitoes are bad enough in and of themselves. Their bites can initially be painful, and then itchy afterward. This is because mosquitoes inject their saliva into the bite area while they feed to keep your blood from thickening on them before they have had a chance to finish feeding. Unfortunately, mosquitoes can pick up dangerous disease-causing pathogens when they feed on infected hosts. Later, when they inject their saliva into you to feed, they can also inject the disease-causing pathogens along with the saliva. Mosquitoes may infect everyone they bite after feeding on an infected host, and some of the diseases can be serious.

Here are some of the diseases that mosquitoes can potentially transmit:

  • Dilofilariasis: This is also known as dog heartworms.
  • Zika: Related to the West Nile virus and the yellow fever virus.
  • Yellow fever virus: Associated with aches and pains throughout the body.
  • West Nile virus: The leading mosquito-borne disease in the united states.
  • Chikungunya virus: Strongly associated with fever and joint pain.

Mosquitoes can introduce you to a lot of things you would rather not have to deal with. If you need mosquito control in Albany, get in touch with us. Absolute Pest Control can help you take care of mosquitoes, and fast.

Fool-Proof Ways To Protect Yourself From Mosquito Bites

Given that mosquito bites can be serious, here are some ways to help protect yourself from mosquitoes:

  • Eliminate standing water: Fewer breeding sites means fewer mosquitoes to worry about.
  • Wear long clothing: Long clothing can make it harder for mosquitoes to bite you.
  • Wear repellant: Proven mosquito repellants can help keep mosquitoes away from you.
  • Keep grass mowed: Mowing your grass discourages mosquitoes away from your yard.
  • Keep bushes trimmed: Mosquitoes are drawn to bushes. Trimming reduces mosquitoes.
  • Be mindful of lights: Outside lights attract all insects, including mosquitoes. 

These tips can help, but the best way to get rid of mosquitoes outside is to call Absolute Pest Control. We know what to do when mosquitoes start biting, and we can help. Drop us a line today. 

Call The Pros About Total Mosquito Control For Your Home

If you have a mosquito problem and want to keep mosquitoes away, all it takes is a call to Absolute Pest control. We know how to get rid of mosquitoes, and how to keep them away.

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