Winter is a dreaded season. The frigid temperatures make life very hard, not only because of the ballooning heating bills but also because of the wildlife that can visit your home. If you notice a higher number of wild animals visiting your Albany home in winter, call Absolute Pest Control to handle them. Some of these animals can be dangerous, which is why you need professional Albany pest control services.

It is essential to remove wildlife from your home and ensure they never come back again. That’s why working with a reliable wildlife control company is imperative. This review looks at the types of wildlife likely to visit your home in winter and the best nuisance wildlife removal service in Albany.

Common Types Of Nuisance Wildlife Found In Albany

Albany is teeming with wildlife courtesy of the many forests in this place. That’s why if you are a resident of Albany, you are probably not a stranger to communing with wildlife. Some of the animals you are likely to encounter in Albany include:

  • Bats
  • Chipmunks
  • Woodchucks
  • Groundhogs
  • Skunks
  • Opossums
  • Squirrels
  • Raccoons

The above list is by no means complete. There are many other types of animals in this region. If you are dealing with a wildlife problem on your property, give us a call today.

Why Wildlife Problems Escalate In Winter

Animals can visit your home for two main reasons: food and shelter. The wildlife problems escalate in winter because the freezing temperatures make the forests inhabitable for some of them. For this reason, they move to Albany homes to seek warmth (shelter). Again, in winter, food is very scarce in the forests. Animals that feed on other animals and insects will not find it easy in the woods in winter when their prey has hibernated or become inactive. That’s why you should be on the lookout for wild animals around your home in winter. It would be wise to consider wildlife control services in advance to secure your home. 

Five Natural Ways To Deter Wildlife From Your Albany Home 

Nuisance wildlife removal isn’t something you can do on your own. You must take steps to deter wild animals from invading your home. Some of the natural ways of keeping wildlife at bay include:

  1. Use closed trash containers: Open trash containers can attract all kinds of animals into your home. Keep your trash can lids on and never overfill them. 
  2. Close all access points: Wild animals vary in size, so you have to close all access points, no matter how small they look. Always keep your main gate closed. You must also secure your chimney, windows, vents, and attic. 
  3. Keep shrubs and trees away from your house/home: Overgrown shrubs and trees attract animals like raccoons and squirrels. 
  4. Keep your home clean: Ensure you don’t leave any food in or near your home. Don’t toss scraps into your yard or keep pet foods where other animals can easily access them. 
  5. Remove or destroy hiding places: Clean up your yard by removing anything that animals can use as a hiding place. These may include hollow stumps, open vents, crevices, and brush piles.

Even if you use the tips above, some animals are quick-witted and will find ways to seek refuge in your home. The best way to eliminate them is to seek wildlife and pest control services

Total Wildlife Control For Your Albany Home

If you don’t want wildlife to invade your home or the animals have already invaded your home, contact Absolute Pest Control for the best wildlife pest control services. Make use of your trusted solution for wildlife problems in your Albany home.

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